Do you want to add some extra fun to your Thanksgiving feast? If so, why not consider some down-right hilarious jokes about turkeys! Even if you are not a comedian, there are several jokes you can use to make your Thanksgiving celebration even more fun. And if you are, be sure to include some puns and other wisecracks to really deliver some turkey-rific laughs.

If you’re looking for some creative, family-friendly jokes to bring even more laughter and Thanksgiving cheer, we’ve got you covered! Below you’ll find jokes about turkeys that are sure to make your friends and family smile. So let’s get started and check out some of the best turkey jokes around!

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes About Turkeys

  1. What did the mama turkey say to her naughty son?
    “If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!”

  2. What did one fast-food turkey say to the other fast-food turkey?
    “Let’s race to see who gets served first!”

  3. What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus?
    “Eight (ate!) or more legs to go around the table!”

  4. What did the turkey say to the Thanksgiving Day parade?
    “Gobble, gobble, ‘Whoo Hoo’!”

  5. Why did the turkey cross the road?
    “To prove he wasn’t chicken!”

  6. Why don’t turkeys like fast food joints?
    “They don’t like being ‘gobble-outed’!”

  7. What do you call a turkey who’s in charge?
    “The ‘Poul-try-in-Chief’!”

  8. What did the turkey say to the family before dinner?
    “I’m so excited to be stuffed!”

  9. What did the turkey say to the Pilgrim?
    “Gobble, gobble, pilgrim!”

  10. What did the Pilgrim say to the turkey?
    “Let’s hug it out, turkey!”

Funny Pictures and Puns About Turkeys

Are you looking for some humorous visual aids to get your guests in a laughing mood? If so, consider adding these hilarious turkey puns to your feast.

  1. Why did the turkey cross the playground?
    “To get to the ‘other slide’!”

  2. What did the turkey say to the computer?
    “Google, gobble, Google!”

  3. What did the turkey say when it saw something juicy?
    “Gobble it up!”

  4. What did the turkey do when it saw a scarecrow?
    “It gobbled with fear!”

  5. How do you know when a turkey has a plan?
    “It’s tail feathers twinkle!”

  6. What did the cannibal turkey say to the other turkey?
    “Let’s gobble-dee-gobble!”

  7. What did the turkey say to its friends?
    “Let’s ‘gobb-lie’ together!”

  8. What did the turkey say when it saw an ice cream?
    “I scream, you scream, we all scream for turkey!”

  9. What did the turkey say to the farmer?
    “Thanks for the grub!”

  10. What did the turkey say when it saw the Pilgrim?
    “Gobble, gobble, Happy Thanksgiving!”

Short Jokes and Riddles About Turkeys

Are you looking for some quick and easy jokes and riddles about turkeys? Take a look at some of our favorites.

  1. What did the turkey say to the Pilgrim?
    “Let’s shake wings!”

  2. What did the turkey say to the hot sauce?
    “Ch- ch- chh- hot-t-t-t!”

  3. What did the turkey say to the store?

  4. What did the turkey say before Thanksgiving dinner?
    “Gobble till you wobble!”

  5. What do cheerful turkeys say?
    “Gobble with glee!”

  6. What did the turkey say when it saw an owl?
    “Who cooks for you-u-u-u!”

  7. Why did the turkey cross the playground?
    “To get to the other slide!”

  8. What did the turkey do at the party?
    “Gobble, gobble, have some fun!”

  9. What did the turkey say to the pumpkin?
    “Let’s have an orange Thanksgiving!”

  10. What did the turkey say before it got roasted?
    “Oh fowl, here we go again!”

We hope you enjoyed these hilarious jokes and puns about turkeys! Whether you’re hosting a big Thanksgiving feast or just having a few friends over, these turkey jokes are sure to bring a few chuckles and some extra fun to your celebration. And with these jokes in your repertoire, you’re sure to make your Thanksgiving entertaining and memorable.

So gather your friends and family and share some of these turkey jokes to add a little spice and laughter to your Thanksgiving festivities!