The classic television series Gilligan’s Island aired from 1964 to 1967 and has been a staple in American pop culture ever since. Nearly everyone knows the characters of the beloved show—Gilligan, the Skipper, Professor, Mrs. Lovey, The Millionaire and his wife, and, of course, the movie star, Ginger. But who was the woman behind the glamorous character? 

A new generation of TV viewers might not know, but the original fans are sure to remember the now 87-year-old star – Tina Louise. And while the actress has chosen to keep much of her life private, many still want to know what she looks like today.

Though none of the main cast members of Gilligan’s Island are still alive, Louise is the last living castaway. In the series, she portrayed “Ginger,” one of the shipwreck survivors whom all the others seemed to admire for her glamorous looks and charm. In reality, Louise was a New York native who began acting in television shows in the 1950s.

Before “Gilligan”s Island,” Louise had already achieved considerable success in Hollywood. She received critical acclaim for her roles in classic films like “God’s Little Acre” and “The Trap.” But it was her three-year role as Ginger on the hit CBS show which really put her in the spotlight. From 1964 to 1967, Louise was an iconic Hollywood star—a movie star in her own right.

Since then, Louise has kept a somewhat lower profile. She has starred in several television shows, including “The Love Boat” and “Dynasty,” as well as more recent movies like “Forever Faithful” and “The Things We Never Knew.” She has also made appearances in various TV shows, including “Law & Order: SVU” and “The Real Gilligan’s Island.”

Now 87-years-old, Louise is the last living castaway from the show. Despite her age, Louise continues to stay active and out of the public eye. Here’s a look at her life today.

What Does Louise Look Like Today?

For those familiar with the show, the image of beautiful Ginger may still be fresh on their minds. But the question of what Louise looks like today is often asked by fans.

Surprisingly, even with her 87 years, Louise looks amazing. She takes great care to maintain her health and stay in shape. Louise is often seen with full, shoulder-length red hair and wearing dark-colored dresses that accentuate her figure. Even with her age, she still looks very much the same as she did in her heyday.

A Long-Lasting Legacy

Though it has been decades since the show aired on television, Louise’s legacy still remains in the hearts and minds of the viewers. Those who watched her portray Ginger will always remember her for her poise, glamour and beauty. She will also be remembered for her remarkable life of service and dedication to the arts.

In 2019, Louise was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. At the ceremony, she was recognized as a talented performer who went above and beyond to share her talents with the world.

The event was packed with a long line of fans who came out to show their appreciation for a star in the entertainment world. The sight of those in attendance was enough to bring a smile to Louise’s face.

What Is Louise Up To Now?

Today, Louise maintains an active lifestyle. The actress enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, and participating in art exhibits. She is also an avid painter and has had many of her works displayed in galleries across the country.

Louise has also stayed involved in the entertainment industry. She has recently co-starred in several feature films, including the romantic comedy “2000 Years.”

Tina Louise has come a long way since her breakout role as Ginger on Gilligan’s Island. The award-winning actress has achieved success in many fields and will be remembered by fans forever. At 87 years old, Louise still looks amazing and has stayed active in the entertainment industry. Though the original cast of Gilligan’s Island may no longer be with us, the memory of Louise’s astonishing beauty will never fade.