It’s no secret that kids love jokes, especially ones that make them giggle and laugh out loud. There’s nothing quite like the sound of children’s laughter to brighten up a room. So why not use some silly cow jokes to get them giggling and keep them entertained? Whether it’s a school lunch break with their classmates, a family gathering, or just some old-fashioned fun, here are some funny cow jokes to make your kids laugh out loud.

Why You Should Tell Cow Jokes

Telling jokes is a great way to develop your child’s language skills and help them engage in discussion with others. Plus, jokes are a ton of fun for kids to laugh at and come up with themselves, inspiring their creativity. Cow jokes also help children learn about cows and show them a humorous side to this often overlooked farm animal.

Funny Cow Joke #1: What do you call a cow that has just had a bath?
A clean moo-se!

Funny Cow Joke #2: What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef!

Funny Cow Joke #3: What do you call a cow with 3 legs?


Funny Cow Joke #4: What did the cow say when he saw the tractor?


Funny Cow Joke #5: What did the cow say when it didn’t get the joke?


Funny Cow Joke #6: Why did the cow cross the road?

To get to the udder side!

Funny Cow Joke #7: What did the farmer say when the cow didn’t want to go into the barn?

Mooove it!

Funny Cow Joke #8: What do cows light up for parties?


Funny Cow Joke #9: What did the cow dress up as for Halloween?

A moo-nster!

Funny Cow Joke #10: What did the farmer say when his cow wouldn’t give any milk?

Udderly ridiculous!

Other Fun Cow Jokes

Telling jokes is fun for kids and adults alike, so here are a few more cow jokes to get the laughs going.

· What did the cow say to the bull? “It’s pasture bed time!”

· How do you make a milkshake? Take a cow out for a spin around the farm.

· What did the farmer say when the calf ran away? “Hey, where’s the moo-torcade?”

· What did the cow say when it stepped in the mud? “Mud-dle!”

· How do cows get to the drive-in movies? They take the moo-vie!

· What did the farmer say when his cow gave birth to triplets? “Well, I guess that’s one way to get a whole lotta moo-sic going!”

· Why don’t cows like being on the swings? They get too dizzy!

· What did the cow say when it watched a movie? “MOO-vies are so much fun!”

· What did the cow say when it was spray-painted? “MOOOO-difying!”

Whether you’re looking for a laugh or two at home or to entertain a roomful of kiddos at a party, these funny cow jokes are sure to make your kids laugh out loud. So, take a moment to moo-dle around and enjoy the joy of laughter with your family and friends!