Termites are a pest that can cause massive destruction to homes and other buildings, so it is important that you can recognize the signs that you may have a termite infestation in your home. To help you, here are ten important signs according to experts that indicate you may have termites.

  1. Mud tubes

One of the more common signs that you may have termites in your home is the presence of “mud tubes.” These tubes tend to look like “tunnels” in the ground made of mud and soil, and they are typically make the pathways through which termites travel to and from their food sources. Mud tubes lead up foundation walls and can even be seen along wooden surfaces and can reach up to several feet in length.

  1. Swarmers

Another potential sign that you may need to call experts to take a closer look is the presence of swarmer termites. These insects tend to appear in larger numbers than other types of termites; and they are typically seen in the spring or late summer months. These termites vary in color from yellowish-brown to black and have wings.

  1. Discarded Wings

Along with seeing swarmer termites, you may also find discarded wings on the ground or other surfaces. These wings are shed after the initial mating process is complete and are typically paired together. They are about ⅛ of an inch long and have a four-vein pattern along the edge that leads to the tip.

  1. Damaged Wood

Another key indicator of a potential termite infestation is the presence of damaged wood. Termites feed on wood and will usually leave behind a “honeycomb” of tunnels and chambers that they have built inside the wood they infest. To check, you can tap on the wood with your knuckle and listen for a hollow sound that indicates that the wood is weakened and beginning to rot.

  1. Loose Floorboards

Another common sign that termites may have made their way into your home is loose and warping floorboards. Termites are known for causing floorboards to become loose and even warped due to their constant burrowing and tunneling habits. You can expect to feel a “springy” sensation when you walk across certain areas of your flooring and it is a good sign to call in experts for a more thorough inspection.

  1. Faint Knocking Sounds

If you happen to hear faint “knocking” or “banging” noises coming from different areas of your home, it could be a potential sign that you have termites. This sound usually signifies that there are termites actively tunneling and/or chewing away inside the walls or other wooden structures in your home.

  1. Empty Piles of Sawdust

If you happen to find piles of sawdust, it could be another indicator that you have an infestation of termites. This material is typically expelled from the damaged wood that termites have eaten through, and it is usually found beneath the damaged wood or around doors and windowsills.

  1. Narrow Cuts on the Wood

What look like small cracks on wooden surfaces could also be another sign of a potential infestation. The termites nibble away and make small tunnels in the wood and often times you can easily spot these narrow cuts in the wood.

  1. Weak Baseboards and Door/Window Frames

Another common sign of termite infestations are frames and baseboards that seem to be weaker than usual. This phenomenon happens due to the wood eating away and weakening the baseboards, door frames, and window frames of your home.

  1. Paint That Is Wearing Away

Lastly, you may also find that your paint is wearing away if you have a pesky termite infestation. Termites eat away at the wood and can eventually cause the paint to strip away and even peel or discolor in certain areas.

If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it is important that you seek professional help in order to properly rid your home from a potential infestation of termites. DIY treatments may be able to help in some cases, but it is still important to have one of the experts take a look and really make sure that any of the damage to your home can be properly taken care of.